About Me

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I am a History major at Marshall University. Go Herd!!! :) I love God. My family and friends are amazing. My best friend in the whole wide world is five years old this December. I want to be an archaeologist or a curator at the Smithsonian American History Museum. I watch way to much tv. I want to travel the world. I am the biggest Yankees fan ever! I love life!!! :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Ideal Student and Success

Much like the idea of success, everyone has their own personal opinion on what the ideal student is like. I think that these two ideas are correlated. The ideal student is one who knows where they want to go in life to be successful and works their hardest to achieve that version of success. They have set goals for themselves and don’t let anything stand in the way of what they want for themselves. There are the standard qualities of a good student that will frequently come up in this sort of discussion as well. They participate in class, are organized, do their homework, participate on campus outside of class, study, and other similar ideas that are important as well. I think that the important thing to remember is that success is defined by what you want it to be, and so is the ideal student. Regardless of a person’s GPA or IQ, if all they want in life is to manage the family restaurant, then they would believe that they were successful if they ended up managing the family restaurant. A different person might want to become the editor of a popular fashion magazine. If they ended up managing the family restaurant, would they find themselves successful? Of course not, because that isn’t what they wanted in their life. These two individuals would not have the same idea of what the ideal student was either. The restaurant manager’s plan would not work well for the fashion magazine editor, and vice versa. They are very different plans, but neither of them is necessarily right or wrong. In the end, both of them end up successful because they knew what they wanted and they went for it. They were ideal students because they accomplished their personal goals.


  1. Beth,
    I really thought you had a unique perspective on success and the ideal student. I loved the comparison between the restaurant owner and the executive job. I really got a lot out of what you had to say!

  2. I thought I posted but apparently not. I liked your perspective of how success means different thing to different people, I completely agree.
