About Me

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I am a History major at Marshall University. Go Herd!!! :) I love God. My family and friends are amazing. My best friend in the whole wide world is five years old this December. I want to be an archaeologist or a curator at the Smithsonian American History Museum. I watch way to much tv. I want to travel the world. I am the biggest Yankees fan ever! I love life!!! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


                                   "Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly."
                                                                          - Robert F. Kennedy

       Michael Jordan is a pretty popular guy. In fact, a lot of people would say that he is the greatest basketball player ever. (a lot of people, as in every single boy on the playground at the elementary school I went to) So why on earth did he make a commercial about all the times he has failed? It's because Michael Jordan knows that he was by no means perfect. He knows how many times he had to pick himself off the floor and try again. He knows that if he had sat down on the bench after missing one of those game winning shots and said "I'm done", than he would never have gotten as far as he did.

                "I have failed over and over and over again.....and that is why I succeed."

Life is not an easy ride. You are pretty naive if you believe it is. The person who succeeds is the one who, like Michael Jordan, fails over and over again but never stops trying to get to the top. I did a little research and found that this formula for success (the whole "never give up" thing) works pretty well.

*Thomas Edison discovered 1,000 ways how to not make a lightbulb before he succeeded
*Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade
*Lucille Ball was told to "try any other profession" by her acting proffessor
*Freud was booed off the stage the first time he presented a theory
*27 publishers rejected Dr. Suess' first book
*Robert Sternberg got a C in his Intro to Psychology course
                  and how about a little sports?
*Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team

*Julie Andrews was told she "wasn't photogenic enough for film"
*J.K. Rowling's book "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" was rejected 12 times
*2 companies turned down Steve Jobs' offer to buy one of Apple's earliest computers

These are just a few examples of people who took their failures and turned them into success because they never gave up. If you have a goal for yourself and you never give up, than you are unstoppable. Success is yours for the taking.  That is the message that Michael Jordan wanted to send in this video.
 I end this blog with one of my favorite quotes:

                    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

1 comment:

  1. Beth,
    I absolutely loved it, your an excellent writer. Your point about picking yourself up even after falling down is spot on. I liked your confucius quote,so I decided to put my own quote at the end of my blog.
